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" Nokia has announced a new device that it hopes will keep it at the sharp end of the mobile industry, the Nokia N900, but what's so great about it?

It's not a phone

Nokia is adamant this isn't a phone. Instead, it's saying that it's a small computer/slimmed-down netbook .

Essentially, it's a unit with a 3G chip in it for voice and data with a similar form factor to a phone, so it's really just semantics what you want to call it.

New OS

As mentioned above, the new Maemo 5 OS is designed to offer powerful new options that we haven't seen on Symbian-powered devices before.

Powerful processor

Nokia's been shrewd when thinking about what hardware to pack under the hood, going for the high end TI OMAP3 microprocessor with ARM Cortex-A8core rather than the headline grabbing Snapdragon from Qualcomm.

High resolution screen

The touchscreen type might be older, but the screen itself is pretty much cutting edge. Nokia has placed a WVGA screen on the N900 (800x480 pixels crammed into a 3.5-inch display) to make everything seem pin sharp. "

PS - Tear iphone to shreds .. pls... !! xD


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A place for me to put together the comments on various music, anime, movies and videos that I've seen..

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A cool and lazy guy that spends most of the time watchin' movies and on a quest 4 uncovering new ways 2 kill time ... :P