" The Undertaker defeats Three Former world Champions to retain
the World Title after that dreadful Tombstone to The Animal Batista.
After this match, Josh Matthews interview both Batista and Rey Mysterio.
The Master of the 619 says him and David was so close for the World title
and offers some encouragement, But The Animal blames his "best friend"
for costing him for the world title. He also thinks that he don't like when his
"best friend" stabs him in the back, and he also said that he is going to
rip his head off. Then he put down his microphone, and viciously attacks
his closest frend Rey Mysterio, then The Animal Chokes
The Biggest Little Man, and said "YOU SUPPOSED TO BE MY FRIEND!"
Rey Mysterio tried to calm him down,
but The Animal destroys his friend and walks away angry "
This episode was really awesome ...
Rey Mysterio and Batista stuck 4 so long and now foes...
LoL - Nice Script WWE... :D xP
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