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Don't know what's sudoku ?

It's puzzle [in one word :P ]... ;)

So, some puzzles are so gawddamn hard.. It'll take ages to solve...

But, not with this robo...

"This little robot solves a sudoku puzzle all by itself. It scans the sudoku puzzle using a light sensor. It calculates the solution to the puzzle and then writes the digits.

First it performs a quick scan to determine which cells are empty.

The scanned image is very noisy and blur.
To make it more sharp the image is transformed to a binary image (black and white).

The binary image may have more than one segment. It may have pixels not belonging to the digit. The center segment is found and other segments are deleted.

The image is converted to 1-pixel wide lines with a thinning algorithm.

Feature extraction
Now the digits are classified by extracting some features from them:
Width of the digit
Number of tips Position and direction of tips
For example a digit with only one tip which is pointing to the right is classified as 6.

Solving the Sudoku Solving a sudoku puzzle is a quite simple task for a computer. It is usually implemented using a recursive backtracking algorithm. But since the Mindstorms processor is rather slow, and since it doesn't allow for recursive functions, it took some care to optimize it."

A gizmo which solves sudoku puzzles when it's left free to look at it...

Amazin' , isn't it? :D

Bored ? Try some sudoku => ;-)


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A place for me to put together the comments on various music, anime, movies and videos that I've seen..

Besides, check out some of my fav. stuff.. &, the cheezy comments I pass in the "misc" section...

Enjoy !

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A cool and lazy guy that spends most of the time watchin' movies and on a quest 4 uncovering new ways 2 kill time ... :P